

Dear Blog.
I am so sorry for neglecting you of late, things have been hectic as shit, but I will promise to devote more time to you from now on.
Yours Sincerely, Bec.

So to the last month!

I've moved onto campus! H3's where it's at :)
I decided mainly because of Sarah Jean moving onto campus. I had a few worries about moving onto campus, mainly about the people I would have to live with. After meeting Sarahs housemates and a lot of other people that live on campus I decided that I would have to be the worlds most unlucky person to move in with shit people because every single person I have met that lives on campus is awesome to some extent. And this way I get to be closer to Sarah as well :)
And my housemates are amazing! I love them to bits :) It's crazy because I only moved in a week ago and (since I'm on the Coast at the moment) I actually already miss them! I miss the mayhem and the noise and all the rest of it!

My birthday is on Saturday! It's so close!
I'm having a party at my house, so surprised that Mum let me. She's actually been really cool about it too until the last couple of days since it's getting so close. There's about 50 people coming it should be really good :) I'm not even that excited about turning 18, I'm more excited to see everyone since I haven't been back to the Coast since Uni started. I miss everyone so much.

I have an epic week planned out for my 18th though. Wanna hear it? Of course you do.
Friday night: House party
Saturday night: Clubbing in the Valley
Sunday day: Bar with my flatmates once they finish the Bridge to Brisbane
Monday day: Classes
Tuesday day: Classes
Tuesday night: Beach house (Uni Bar)
Wednesday day: Practice
Thursday day: Auditions
Thursday night: Karaoke
Friday day: Practice
Friday night: Clubbing in the City
I am going to be destroyed by Saturday. Oh well, it'll all be worth it :)

My Dad's even coming to my party! I'm so happy he's going to be there. And Ange and Wayne are coming too :) Ange was so amazing, I was telling her about how Dad wouldn't pay for my tattoo because he was scared of crossing Mum and she offered to pay for it! I'm going to see how much it costs first before I say yes though.

I had dinner at Hathi with Mum and Grace tonight to celebrate me and Mums birthdays (we're 4 days apart) and tomorrow me and Grace are having dinner with Dad and Donna before we go shopping for my birthday present from them. I still don't know what I want! Mums paying for my birthday dress (that I finally found today, thank god!) and maybe my shoes as well as the party. My dress is wicked, it's all colourful like black, red, yellow, blue, purple and green. So good :)

Uni's been really good, really stressful and hardcore, but good. I've got my first piece of assessment due... shit. It's either due in two weeks time like I'm hoping or it's due on Tuesday. Shit. I'm going to suss that out tomorrow :S Hell good Bec.

I'm really sick at the moment, I've been sick for about two weeks now. Sarah Jean gave it to me, I swear she's infected the entire campus :P

Aaaaaaaand... I think that's about it! Just a whole lot of campus life, Uni and waiting to be 18. Life is good, most days anyway. And it's really good now that I'm back up on the Coast, me and Opai had really good catch ups last night, we hadn't seen each other in almost a month!!

Well it's 3:24 AM (living on campus has made my sleeping habits even worse) I should probably go to bed. Night :)

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