
Just some lists

I saw this and since all my assessments will be finished by tomorrow, I figured I should do it :)

Day 1: 10 things about your self.
Day 2: 9 guilts that you want to share.
Day 3: 8 days that you love.
Day 4: 7 things to win your heart.
Day 5: 6 songs that you’re addicted to.
Day 6: 5 things you can’t live without.
Day 7: 4 memories you won’t forget.
Day 8: 3 words you can’t use for a day.
Day 9: 2 things you want to say.
Day 10: 1 person you can trust.

1. I have five birth marks! Five! So if you ever need a spare one, you know who to call :P
2. I am the most indecisive person. From what I want to eat to want to wear to where I want to go, it's always a struggle.
3. I'm a terrible cook. Not so much in the sense that my food is bad, it's edible at least, but more that I would rather eat toast than actually have to make something. I'm lazy as anything when it comes to cooking.
4. The highlight of my year, every year, is the Woodford Folk Festival. I love that place.
5. I love homeware things. Once I own a house it will be full of shit. Good shit, but shit nonetheless.
6. I hate wearing clothes. If I could wear togs 24/7 I would. Togs and denim shorts to go out in :P
7. I'm very protective and selfish over my friends. I don't want to share them, they are far too good.
8. I'm newly
9. Whenever I study or learn lines I move a lot. I pace, I swing my arms and I get really loud. My house mates love it :)
10. I am the worlds best procrastinator. One time I printed off the NIDA recommended monologues and bound them just so I didn't have to start studying. Another time I stared at a wall for half an hour. Beat that.


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