
9 and 8 Cause I'm a Derp

So it's day three and I've already failed. Hell good Bec.
Well here's List 9 and 8! Aren't you lucky?

9 Guilts That I want to Share

1. One time I punched my sister in the face. And it was the worst thing I have ever done.
2. I wish I was a boy so that I could pee standing up and walk around with my top off.
3. Mac and Cheese is my favourite food.
4. I don't remember if I payed for the bus last night. And I feel really bad about that.
5. I've never been on a diet.
6. I love texting. I am a serial texter.
7. I can't listen to songs with out singing. Even if I don't know the words, I try to guess them.
8. I love wearing togs. I would wear them every day if I could.
9. I make a lot of lists. I make lists about making lists.

8 Days That I Love

1. My birthday. My birthday is my favourite. I count down months in advance.
2. December 26 to January 1. Woodford. Need I say more?
3. The first day of semester, the date changes a bit every year. It's just so exciting.
4. Easter. Easter is good. So much chocolate.
5. My Sarahs birthdays. It means I get to see them, so it's an automatic win.
6. The first day of Summer. It means that Summers here, so duhh.
7. New Years Eve. I know this is included in Woodford but there's just something special about New Years Eve. New beginnings and all that.
8. Every day!

Well I'm being anti-social, Imogen has friends over so I'm going to chill with them I think. It's weird, I'm feelings very self-conscious and shy. Weird!

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