

One Person I Can Trust.

1. Sarah. She is always there for me. Always. When I need a pep-talk, when I need a shoulder to cry on, when I need someone to dance with, when I need someone to bitch to, when I need someone to help me to cook, when I need a place to stay, when I need a lift, when I need someone to agree with me, when I need someone to defend me, when I need someone to tell me it straight, when I need a cuddle, when I need anything at all, she is there. She has my back 100% of the time. I know I can tell her the worst thing I've ever done and she will tell me she loves me. She knows everything about me and she loves me for it. She not only puts up with my crazy, erratic, emotionally-retarded and semi bi-polar personality, she loves me for it.
She loves me. And I love her with all my heart.

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